Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kicking Back

This is my resting day. And I am nursing my sore feet. I dream I'm dancing in my sleep, even!

So if you can relate, I hope your feet are not so sore as mine. Last night I dreamed I had the lead role in the famed Sleeping Beauty, a role I coveted while pursuing dance at the academy. I never danced the solo lead in that Ballet. But I have danced some pretty awesome roles. I am working on a contemporary piece now for performance in the fall. (More on this later)

As for today, I plan to kick back (pun intended) and relax. There are other things in this world too, beside dance. Oh really? yes, there is!

Cari The Dancer

Monday, July 21, 2008

Great Experiences

My second blogging day!

I've wanted to write about my dancing experiences. And this blog gives me the opportunity to do that. To begin, I started dancing when I was just a young child. Even though I did start out at around age five, my interest grew as the years passed. And I found out by age 14 that if I really wanted to dance professionally, I would have to get the best training possible. That's when I decided to audition at a Boston ballet studio. I made the cut, and my true training began. Pointe shoes, blisters and sore aching feet became the everyday norm for me. However grueling it was, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

So what sort of great experiences have you had in your life?


Sunday, July 20, 2008

My First Day Here

Today is my first blog post! I hope this will be fun. As I said, I look forward to chatting about anything dance related. This should be fun and I hope you'll join me as I share my dance times and experiences.
